Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tests... more tests

The dentists have cleared Lyric of any issues regarding his teeth.. they said there are lots of baby molars that are about to be lost soon as the big molars are pushing through and that may be causing the pain while he's eating things like raw carrots.

They are still concerned about a lymph node that is still swollen and are sure that is the site of infection. They are arranging yet another MRI hopefully for today. He is still on antibiotics.. I think it's day 14 now.. sigh.. poor kid. His counts are coming up nicely and they are hoping he will be ready to have his bone marrow test tomorrow. If not, it will be next Tuesday again.

Other than that things are great. Living in a hospital. whoo. hehe.

And for you folks out there reading this, please feel free to share anything in the comments section. I almost feel like I'm talking to no one.. lol


  1. Awe Sarah,
    You are not talking to no one. I read all the time however most of the time dont even know what to say..

    I really hope that Lyric's infection goes away soon. What a pain in the butt it must be to live in a hospital all the time... I can't even imagine. Hopefully we can get together sometime soon and give you a little break from the hospital life..

    Ashley C

  2. Ya know I'm horrible with commenting but I will try to make it a point to at least let you know I've been here reading!!!

    I hope his counts are good to get the Bone Marrow test done.

    I'm sending you both all the love and thoughts and prayers and strength I can muster!!!


  3. Ditto what Amie said. I check on your posting everyday at work on my breaks and lunches. I have it bookmarked.

    I never know what to say, but you amaze me at how strong you are and how you are keeping it together.

    Hugs, Tara

  4. Hi Sarah.... it's your old buddy Deanne from Portage!!! I too check everyday and am sooo happy to hear how well Lyric is doing!! My mom's boyfriend is going through radiation treatments right now for a brain tumor. The radiation is palliative as his cancer is terminal.... so it is so encouraging to read about Lyric and how from this end sounds like he is doing really well!!!
    Anyways, keep your chin up Sarah, you're doing a great job.....and keep posting!!! I'm sure you'd really be surprised to know how many people are reading this!!!!
    I'm praying for you guys!!!

  5. Was reading something in Vegetarian Times today about Elderberry being good for bringing up white blood cell counts. Wondered what all Jane's got Lyric on and if she'd consider adding Elderberry.

    BTW - you're not talking to yourself; I check every day for any updates and hope you're all doing well. It's not easy fighting cancer but you're all strong and will beat it in no time!

  6. hehe, I'm glad that people are reading it and I'm not just posting to no one! I wasn't sure... anyways you guys can always post about anything you want to here as well.

  7. Oh and I'll ask Jane about the Elderberry, thanks!
