Tuesday, November 3, 2009

H1N1 is killing me.

Can you believe they would not let us go yesterday to come home until 3 medical staff had to literally ram the H1N1 shot down my throat.

You must get it for Lyric. I asked why?

Because he is immuno compromised. And getting the flu could be bad for him.

Yes, I understand that.. but can you guarantee me that he will be fine from getting the shot?

No.. we cannot. There is no testing done, and we don't' know enough.

Oh.. ok, so you want me to stick some more neurologically toxic crap into my son's system that hasn't even been tested, or otherwise use him as a guinea pig.

No, we are confident he will benefit from the shot.

Oh.. ok. So what about the boy, Cameron, who is younger than Lyric, also had a fungal infection but persevered though having H1N1?

Well, that's a good outcome, but there are bad ones, we don't' know how his body will react. We have other kids in ICU with it and they aren't so well.

Ok, so can you promise me he won't get Guillian Barre syndrome, or become autistic?

No. We can't.

Throughout this conversation there are looks of disgust written on their face. I have wronged their belief in the shot, and now I am a bad mother for not getting a shot for my son and potentially threatening his life. But I do have faith in Lyric's ability to fight off this flu.. of which is a completely normal flu. Maybe it lasts a bit longer, but statistically, there are no more deaths than the regular flu. And the deaths all have underlying causes.

What happened here? Why this big push? Is it stemming from the government? pharma companies? the media?

We have come to a bottleneck.. fear in on everyone's faces. People have no trust in the medical system, the government, the pharmaceutical company, the media.. and their own doctors. I seriously can for see a shift change in how people have had enough and are starting to take charge of their health.. they are starting to speak up, demand and ask questions. The sad part is who do you believe?

Through all the holistic research I have done, I have learned much about our bodies. They are efficient and quite powerful when treated right. We are capable of fighting off any sickness, and building strong immunities. With using what nature offers us, good whole food, healing herbs and vitamins, good hand washing, sleeping well, drinking lots of water and maintaining good stress levels we can overcome almost all sickness.

I have read that this shot was developed in the 50's to combat the swine flu. They stopped the making of it. There were more deaths and reactions from the shot than the actual flu. And you know the people who lived in that era are not getting the H1N1 virus, statistically they are the age group that is least affected. Why? Because they had it, survived it and are are immune to it. They are all fine! They have howevder remade the same shot.. yes, the one that killed more people than it saved and added another neurotoxic substance called Squalene... an adjuvent. And then with NO testing on the public they decide all high risk people should get it.. pregnant ladies, small children, or children with serious health issues (such as Lyric) first. Oh, thanks again for making them the guinea pigs.

No, I am still not getting this shot, I will endure the strong looks, the awkward grins.. all IN protection of my child. They seem to think I'm not protecting him, when in fact I am.

I truly wish some of these conventional doctors would get their heads out from the cloud they are in and question.. see that there are other ways to treat things other than shots, meds, chemicals...

I do see a change coming. I am anxious to see how the world will change in the next year. It will be exciting.

On another note..

Lyric an I are home and loving it of course. I am always afraid that the next day we will be back with some sort of fever... especially with this time of year. So I don't' even unpack. He is doing well, a little nauseous today but has energy and is happy.


  1. glad to hear you are home, and good for you for standing your ground!!! I too decided against purposely poisoning my kids in order to maybe avoid a maybe dangerous "flu"... I think its sad we have lost our trust in our docs, govt and media... but they have shown over and over they are not infallible, now we are more intelligent and not just mindless sheep to follow thier lead! :P I too am happy to see more and more ppl standing against their righteous desire to vaccinate bllindly!! good for you!!!!

  2. Glad to hear you are home!!! Not fair that they are pushing that on you...thank goodness it's still ultimately your decision!

  3. I am very glad that you are home. How long are you looking at being home for? I hope you guys don't have to worry about this stupid H1N1 any longer..


  4. Oh Sarah! I'm so sorry they put you through that crap over the H1N1 shot. I went through it a few weeks ago with my pedi, and when my kids were born and I refused the Hep B shot. You are so right about immunizations and I'm glad you stood your ground. There's alot on the net about the bad effects of swine flu immunizations past, in the 50's and in the 70's. Hate that big pharm uses all of us as guinea pigs!

    So glad you guys are home again, enjoy and be well!


  5. I'm so glad you are home again! I hope you will still be there this weekend. And I do think that people are starting to question things more and not listening to the hype as much. You know what is best for your family and stay stong and follow what your heart and your head says.

