Thursday, November 19, 2009


There is not much new to report here! Things are good, Lyric has been happy, healthy and has had no problems.

Avery is great as well. She's battled a cold and Lyric (having no immune system) or I didn't get it.. of course he docs here don't attribute his excellent health to the natural remedies I have him on.

We are currently just waiting for his blood counts to come up to start his 4/5 chemo round. We are almost done!!


  1. Well uneventful is good, you and both your wonderful children deserve some form of normal. We all know why he is doing so well, so who cares what the doctors think!!

    lots of hogs to you all, Tara

  2. I am very glad to here that things are uneventful and that he is doing really well.. I hope that round 4/5 happens soon so that you will be able to put this all behind you...

    Ashley C

  3. Such a great post! You're rounding the bend...the finish line is in sight!!! So glad! :) xo

  4. The boys ask often how Lyric is doing, if he's still in the hospital or still getting really "strong medecine", and it is great to come here and get news so I can tell them what is going on. We send you all positive vibes and hope the last 2 rounds of chemo are on schedule and go as well as possible.
