Friday, January 15, 2010

Avatar & The Week

I took Lyric out for a LOA yesterday and we saw Avatar..he LOVED it and we had a great time. His counts are creeping up. Thankfully.

Lyric is doing great, he has been without fever since Tuesday evening at 10 pm.. he's otherwise normal and healthy. They are worried that the infection could have stemmed from his hickman, so they are keeping him on antibiotics until next Saturday. Sigh.. that sucks. It sucks being stuck in the hospital when he's perfectly well.. so they are giving us LOA's everyday but we are so far from home we may not be able to go everyday.. plus the cost of gas.. I'm broke!

Avery is doing great.. she is excited to spend the weekend with her best bud.

They are going ahead with his last round of chemo as soon as his counts come up enough. So soon.

We are almost there, we are almost there.. we are almost done.


  1. Thumbs up!!
    Almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sarah, it seems like pretty soon Lyric will be having his "normal" life back and so will you.
    Good luck girl :)

  3. I am very glad that the counts are comming back up. After this last round of chemo the hickman will be out and then you wont have to worry about infections in it anymore.. Soon enough he will be done and it will start to become a distant memory!!!

    Ashley C
