Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sorry it's been so long!

Wow.. I'm so sorry all. I didn't realize it's been so long since I've updated.

Well, first off, we've been at home still. Lyric's counts are coming up VERY slowly. They arne't concerned with this at this point so I'm ok with that. I am just enjoying Lyric not being Neutropenic, and being at home. Mind you I have spent the last couple weeks overhauling my house... since it's not up for sale. I have run out of money and cannot afford it anymore. I tried to re-negotiate the mortgage, but in the end me caring for a house when my life is so up in the air is not a good idea. I need to rent an apartment to make life easier.

Jane has Lyric on a few nwe things to help get his counts up.. Angelica, and Vit C. So far it's helping a bit, but I have a small feeling we are fighting sickness here. I havn't been feeling the greatest.

Lyric is great!! It's been so long since his last chem that his hair is growing back and is not about 1/4 inch long.. he has eye brows and eye lashes.. it's weird to see him with hair! He likes it of course. He's been super healthy and very happy. He's really looking forward to getting this last round of chemo done so we can do his wish trip.. given to us by the Children't Wish Foundation. He chooses to go to Hawaii, and stay on Kawaii in a yurt or small eco friendly cottage off the water. He's definatly my boy!! No big resorts for him. He's a backpacking tree hugger like me!

Avery is doing very well too. She's super happy, enjoying school. We all went to her Showcase night at school. She was in a short play, and sang a song. She was great! She has a natural talent for acting and singing. She wants to go into acting class and get signing lessons. Fun!! I've been able to spend so much time with her, we are really enjoying eachother.

As for me.. things are going well. I have met the President of the Casino's here in the Falls, and he is trying to hook me up with a job in March. Which is right around the time when I need one. Yay! I also want to take my Holistic Nutritionists course too... but will have to save up for that. I may try and get a part time job for now anyway to help with having some money.

The YMCA, where we belonged for 3 years.. Lyric did Karate, both kids did swimming, and activity classes.. I worked out.. well they gave the kids a free membership for the year and gave me mine for $15 a month!! There is funding available for the kids called Pro Kids.. that pay for kids to keep active. I feel so happy about this because we all love the Y, it was such a part of our lives. But I was paying $90 a month before, and I can't pay that at all anymore.

We are back at clinic Monday to see if his counts are ready.. I have packed and unpacked the car now 3 times so lets hope his counts are up enough!! Let's get this last chemo over with!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Sarah. I can't believe his counts still haven't come up enough to do the last round of chemo. At what point is it now too long of an inbetween period to not do the last round? I know they were worried about it before and not it has been even longer.

    Many prayers that this is all over with soon.
    Ashley C
