Thursday, August 27, 2009

Apparently I'm an alien

For centuries we have cured and healed ourselves using nature before the chemical evolution began and things like White Willow Bark was turned into Aspirin. I am a firm believer that good food heals, and I clearly choose nature over chemical.

Lyric doesn't have a cold, the flu or a sinus infection. I can control his health care in those situations and give him homeopathic remedies... but with Leukemia I am faced with the hardest moral decisions anyone could face whose child is facing death.

What choice do I really have in healing a child with Leukemia? I have tremendous faith in natural healing, but when it comes to life or death of your child you choose what is proven to work. And although I know there are natural ways to heal Cancer I don't think I trust it at this point.. the risk is too great.

Painfully I standby and watch Lyric have poison pumped into him.. it's now going onto day 7 of 10 days. He is pale, nauseous, and will lose his hair in a few days. He is on only 3 chemo drugs, but on 6 drugs to manage short term side effects of chemo..and the long term effects, well there is nothing you can do with those risks. He comes to the brink of death with chemo meds, lowering his blood counts to the point of death... and then his poor battered body has to rebuild itself...5 times over. Then let's pray it doesn't happen again. Oh, and did I mention that one of the chemo meds can actually cause Leukemia. Yes, that's right. either the same type or a different one. But the odds of using this drug to kill the current Leukemia are greater than it causing another.

The nurses come and administer the chemo with gloves, a blue over-coat, goggles and a face mask. They politely ask to see Lyric's name and number printed on his ID bracelet and then inject the cyto-toxic substance into him. They give me gloves to handle Lyric's urinal... it's not safe to touch his urine...

I have accepted this painful choice of choosing chemotherapy for my child to survive. I still am working with my ever so wonderful Naturopath... Jane. She has warned me that the big bad doctors here will not like that I choose natural anything over their multi million dollar kick backed wonder meds.. and that is true. They look at me like I'm an alien when i mention that I AM working with a Naturopath and have repeatedly warned me NOT to mix the 2 worlds. I of course have total faith in my Naturopath and she will work closely with me trying to heal and nourish Lyric's battered and chemically infused body. But even the mention of this to my family and Lyric's dad causes them to lose faith in my beliefs.

I had to gently remind these folks that Jane healed Avery of her tummy problems (in 2 months!) after seeing countless Doctors in the western medical world and was prescribed every laxative known. She also cured 16 years of menstrual pain that I have taken very strong meds for ...for 16 years! She did this in 2 months as well.

I now have to sell my beliefs and trust to my family. I am Lyric's mom and have spent many years learning about natural healing...I obviously want the best for my kids. I wouldn't want it for him if I thought it was experimental or it would affect his chemo.

In the eyes of the doctors here I am green with horns... they cringe when mention anything like Beet Root Juice, or Astragalus root...

Jane warned me to not even say anything to them, because they usually blame anything that goes wrong on naturopathy, and will try to deter me to use it. But I will stick to my love and belief of nature and healing..

What would you do??


  1. Sarah, My thoughts are with you all at this rough journey in your lives. God moves in strange ways. As to your question, I think I would do as asked in hospital and do the internal healing at home to bring Lyric's body back to health.

  2. As a single mom who uses Rescue Remedy for almost everything, I believe in holistic, all the way.
    You are wise to go the chemo route as well though, with something so aggressive as cancer.

    My heart breaks for you. I cannot imagine the pain you are going through seeing your child in this state.

    I think you are making all the best choices for your son. Keep up with your homeopath, absolutely, just don't tell the doctors...they don't want to hear it. Hospitals are a money making industry, and as horrible as chemo is, there have been breakthroughs and advances made in cancer treatments. Keep the faith.

    You and Lyric (beautiful name!) are in my prayers.
