Saturday, August 29, 2009

A brisk walk

What a great day. Well for me anyways..

A good friend came to visit with her hubby.. we were chatting and one of our Oncologists came in and said Lyric could break free and get out of the hospital for a couple of hours!!

I got so excited.. jumped up and down.. woohoo!! a break away... time for fresh air and to be out in the real world. Lyric... not so excited. He has fallen into this comfy place here in the hospital where he is spoiled. Lies in a bed all day, gets food delivered to him (mostly CRAPPY food of course), gets to play video games for hours, gets new toys delivered by friends and family. He is so enjoying this life and is using it! Of course you feel sorry for your child going through something like this so you tend to bend rules...but really that's not helping him or me. He's become rude at times and has fits like a 2 year old. He sometimes even uses his leg pain to get out of walking. Of course I'm big bad momma... always telling him to stop playing games, eat something, take his meds, and take a walk. So yes, big mean momma forced him to go outside for a walk.

The nurses disconnected his IV and we got him ready to go outside. We walked around the McMaster University grounds.. the sun was shining, and it was so nice to get fresh air. My parents arrived and joined us. I took some photos and an hour later Lyric was ready to go back inside.

I had some alone time with my friend for some lunch, which was a great break. You start to go wonky in a place like this...cooped up in a room 24-7! There are so many other kids in this ward who have cancer too.. and it becomes a very depressing place to see how sick they are, feeding tubes in their noses, frail bodies and bald heads.

I was told today "I wish I had another mother!" ... yes, after telling him he couldn't play anymore games. It hurts yes... but I know where it's coming from and I know it's not true. Before he went to bed tonight he looked into my eyes and said "I'm sorry for what I said today mom.. I love you" .. aw my sweet little man.

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