Thursday, August 27, 2009


Lyric was diagnosed with AML Leukemia on August 17th. We have been at McMaster Childrens Hospital since then while Lyric undergoes aggressive treatment for his cancer.

10 days before we came here Lyric experienced headaches, and pain that started in his neck. A visit to the Doctor and a prescription for antibiotics for an infection did not make sense. Over the 10 days the pain travelled down his arm, to his leg. I took him to the Naturopath of which had me take him to the emerg right away. Tests revealed that Lyric had extremely high white blood cell counts. We were then sent to McMaster for futher investigation. 2 hours after being here our worst nightmare was confirmed. Lyric had AML Leukemia.

His Cancer is very rare and only has a succession rate of 50%. He has 5 rounds of chemo, which run for 28 days. 10 days in hospital and 3 weeks of rest.. while at home "resting" we will be coming back to the hospital twice a week for blood checks.

This disease does not hereditary, there is no way to know how he got it. But an 8 year old bright, sweet and lovable boy does not deserve to have it.

He is in for a long and hard fight. He has lots of love and support and we are going to get him through.

Please feel free to contact me blog here.


  1. Hey Sarah...just wanted you to know I'm here if you need anything (even though I've already told you a million times lol)'re on my blog roll now so I'll be able to see any updates you post right away and anyone who comes to my blog will also see your blog in my list.

    Much love and hugs to you all...xo

  2. (((Sarah & Lyric)))
    hugs and healing vibes being sent your way.
