Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blood Counts Update

Unfortunately I have some sad news. Lyric's counts have not gone up. When given the news in clinic today I started to bawl. Lyric's nurse immediately said she was sorry and hugged me.. then a few other parents that I have gotten to know came over as well to offer thier support.

We are going in Tuesday for the bone marrow test which will determine what is going on with his blood. One of the Oncologists did speak to me and said that she still thinks there is a strong possibility that it's from the infection, and that the majority of AML kids succumb to infection and major delays through their chemo. But Lyric has done so amazingly well and has had no delays. She reassured me to not worry so much.. but then told me she can't guarantee anything and there is a possibility it's the cancer.

After the bone marrow test we will get the results either Wednesday or Thursday.

I went to take a nice hot bath last night, and my water was cold. So I went downstairs to find the hot water tank was cold. The service man came today and fixed it.. the pilot light was out. Ugh.. but yet again.. it's something else to deal with.

The furnace is working great, it's so nice to have heat again.

We are going to see Avatar tonight.. should be fun! Lyric is neutropenic still ,but I think we need some fun. We will be super careful!! Both kids are looking forward to it.

I contacted Direct Energy today, complained to the supervisor in the executive office. Her employee that I complained to the other day to do something, did nothing! He made notes in my account, and forwarded and email.. did no follow up and did nothing to deal with my situation. So his boss that I spoke to today was disgusted, and said she will talk to some colleagues and get back to me. I told her I was getting a lawyer and suing.


  1. That is scary news, Sarah, but I believe the oncologist who spoke to you today was right, the low blood counts are from the infection and next weeks tests will show that all is well! Lyric will be getting his last round of chemo before you know it! Can't believe the stupid HWH was not working again today, glad it was just the pilot light. At least that was an easy fix!
    I say HURRAY! To suing Direct Energy, there's no way they should have handled your heating problems the way they did!

  2. upps and downs.. hang in there Sarah! be strong for your boy
    xo xo

  3. Sarah.. I know it is sooo hard for you right now but I really believe in staying positive. I think it is purely just the infection and next weeks test will show that. Lyric has done sooo good that there is no way the cancer is back!!!

    It sucks that the light was out on the water tank and I am glad that you are staying strong with Direct Energy!! They put your lives at risk and they need to be given a good lesson..

    Ashley C
