Monday, January 4, 2010

Blood Counts

Went to clinic today.. through the 3 feet of snow Niagara was pounded with in 24 hours..

Lyric's counts have dropped back down. Of course his Platelets were at 16.. so I had to insist on a transfusion, since they were sending me away yet again without one. And with the snow squalls we have been having I pushed the subject.

The nurse also says that if Lyric's counts don't come up on Thursday when we come in, then the following Tuesday Lyric would have to go for a bone marrow test to see what's going on.. of course I ask.. well, what does that mean? She said well we think it's probably from his infection, but we have to be safe and test. I asked, is this normal? For counts to drop? and she says no.. then it was case closed.

I wasn't satisfied with that answer so I asked to speak to the Doctor. Of course I know the nurses aren't privy to share the info with me.

So I ask the Doctor.. he tells me something similar.. they think it's from the infection he just had, and standard procedure after 32 days of of no counts is to the the bone marrow test. Ohh..ok.. so then I ask, is it possible for the counts to not come up at all? and he says yes, then I ask, well if it's not the infection, what else can it be?

there is about 15 seconds of silence and this look comes over his face.

Well.. it could be that his Leukemia has returned.

My heart plummeted, and to save me he dove in with reassurance. He states that they are VERY confident it's from the infection, but there is a possibility its the cancer.

Then there was silence from me..

Ok, thanks. I appreciate now KNOWING what to expect.

Why do they not tell you, I get they try to be positive, but seriously. I don't like surprises!!!

So now we go back Thursday to see what his counts are doing and of course I am just on edge. worrying. My poor boy.. if his cancer is back then next step is bone marrow transplant. And Avery is his perfect match.

On another note, I'm getting quotes on the furnace.. there is a charity that I need to fill in paperwork for that will pay $800 towards emergency problems so I am doing that tomorrow!


  1. Hey Sarah,
    I really hope that Lyri's counts come up, and that the results from his next blood work shows improvement.
    Gee girl, you need some good news !!
    good luck with the furnace replacement as well.
    let me know if u need anything

  2. I'm hoping it's just from the infection and the counts go up. Please if there is anything I can do, just call. Lynn

  3. Ohhh Sarah!!! Take a deep breath.. They probably didnt tell you because it is extremely unlikely that it is the cancer returning. I am praying TONS for you and Lyric to have good blood counts and even if they dont come up it still only means that he needs a bone marrow test. I am sure that the bone marrow test will go smoothly!!! Try to stay positive because worry will only make things worse :)

    And best of luck with the furnace. I hope that the charity helps you out. I am sure you are a perfect canditate..

    Many hugs. If you need anything you can call or text me anytime :)

    Ashley C

  4. Oh, Sarah! As always keeping Lyric in my prayers. I'm sure the blood counts staying down is only a result of his infection. I understand how you feel hearing the doctors words though, just reading them caused my stomach to plummet! So glad you found a charity that can help with the furnace, God, you need to catch a break somewhere! Lynda

  5. Sarah you are in my thoughts, we all hope it is just the infection and his counts come up! We are here for you. hugs, Tara

  6. Jeeze!! No heat as soon as we get a snowstorm and now this!!
    Hang in there Sarah, keep thinking positive!!
    It's gotten you this far, you guys are in my prayers.
