Monday, December 7, 2009


Can you believe the Holidays are upon us.. it only feels like yesterday when we found out Lyric had Leukemia. Time has just dissapeared. Although when I am sitting in the hospital room for days.. it seems like forever.

We are still at home!! I am amazed at Lyric's health.. especially after this last round. He has moments of being nauseaus here and there but nothing serious. Avery actually had a full fledged cold this week.. coughing, runny nose..I made her wear a mask for a couple days which she disliked. I hesitantly used Lysol wipes (nasty chemicals), and kept them apart as much as I could. I also had the help of the air purifiers which are supposed to kill the cold bug too. But I feel the natural remedies he is on are probably what helped him the most .. he's has been free and clear so far!

Avery's report card was great, the teacher had nothing but nice things to say about her.. a couple things to work on of course (like giving other kids a chance to answer questions, and printing clearly) .. but her teacher thinks she needs to take drama or acting classes as I do.. she's such a natural.

Lyric doesn't really get a report card, he does get graded.. but it's much different than the norm. He is however ahead of his class!

The next round of chemo is a strange one.. We are scheduled to start Dec 21, we stay for 2 days. Undergo a day of intense ARA C .. the neuroligically damaging chemo, and the next day is one that is administered into his leg bone through a big needle. And yes, he's awake for this.

We then go home for 4 days, and then return to hospital to to the exact same thing..


We will be monitored very closely after that.. and he will take a few months to recover to normal.

So we may potentially be home for Christmas! We've put up our real tree.. I just love the smell. Decorated the house.. and if we are home I want to have a dinner.


  1. What a wonderful way to start the New Year, Sarah! Finished with chemo and cancer free! It will be great if you and Lyric are home Christmas! So your Avery is a natural when it comes to drama? So is my Austin, I'd like to get him involved in some sort of classes too. He and Rigel both have parts in the Christmas Pagent at their school, so he'll have his first taste of being on stage! I can't wait to see it! Good to hear how well both kids are doing in school too, going through a serious illness can have a bad effect on school work. You're doing a great job keeping it together for you and your family!


  2. I'm really pulling for you that you'll get your Christmas at home!! It will be an extra special one I'm sure. Sending lots of extra healthy thoughts to Lyric...I'm so glad he's doing so well!!!!

  3. Hey Sarah, I am so glad you and Lyric are still at home and that you have had some time to decorate! I love the inflatables...the kids are fascinated, and thrilled to have one next door. I am soooooo happy for you and the whole family and Lyric especially of course that this ordeal is almost over; I am praying that it's FOR GOOD! This next round of chemo sounds very yuck, especially the needle in the bone part...but you take the lesser of the two evils as they say. I am proud of you and the way you have sought out natural care and fought for the right to use it with your son. We both know it has paid off BIG TIME. Good for you Sarah. I am especially proud of you Lyric. You have been so brave. I am glad this is almost over for you so you can get back to school and your friends and "normal" life. I am sure you'll be happy to have a warmer head soon once the chemo is over and that gorgeous hair of yours grows back in. I am so filled with emotion for you to think that you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. What a nice Christmas present! Give me a call soon Sarah and we'll get together for tea! take care and God Bless you all! love your neighbor Nancy and gang
