Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

Wow.. time has flown by.

Lyric has been doing so very well.. he is still on antibiotics.. and will be for another week or so until his counts come back up. Everything his blood has been making is still going towards repairing his poor little body from this infection.

They have however changed the schedule of his meds.. as of the 24th he will get them once a day for 3 hours. We've been given the choice to either stay at the hospital, go home, or stay at the Ronald McDonald house. So in the end I chose to stay at the hospital as much as Lyric wants to go home. I would have to return every day to the hospital for a 3 hours treatment.. which in real time would be about half my day with driving and getting him hooked up, getting blood tests, getting the antibiotics going.. then there is always the weather. Which is supposed to be bad this week.. freezing rain. So I don't want to take the risk. So we are going to work it out so that he gets the meds while he's sleeping. Then if the weather is good for the day I will go home and return in the evening. Makes sense right?

I've had Avery at the hospital for the last few days which has weighed on my last nerves! It's been a couple weeks already that I've lived in a small room in the hospital.. but having a super energetic 6 year old that needs to be entertained.. is tough. But now a friend has arrived.. another little girl she loves her age whose brother also has AML. So they are both happy, busy and it helps a bunch! Her parents are wonderful people. They own a chocolate shop in Paris, Ontario.

I'm tired.. but keep reminding myself that we are almost at the end. I have been by his side for almost 6 months now. Every moment of every day. It's been a tough road. But has made me a stronger woman. Mind you, this pinched nerve in my neck could use a massage!

Lyric has gotten spoiled this week at the hospital. He's held an Olympic Torch twice.. got to see the actual flame that came from Greece and will be lighting the ceremonial torch in BC, had lots of presents from Mike's Miracles.. a little boy who died from cancer and his family has started a foundation. Lots of treats...

And I have now seen two more kids this week come in with a new diagnoses of Leukemia. So I've offered my support to the families. I know it helped for me. One guy is a big wig.. and has actually offered getting me a job. Speaking of job.. I just applied at the hospital. They are hiring a Secretary for the Oncology department. Since I know so much about it and have a background in admin.. the pay is great.. it would make sense!


  1. Wow that would be a great job for you Sarah!! I really hope you get it!

    I'm so so glad to hear how well Lyric is doing! You're right, there is a light at the end of the tunnel now. You're almost there! I'm so glad for you both that soon you'll be able to go home for good!

    As always, lots of hugs for both of you! xo

  2. WOW Sarah!! Any job at a hospital has amazing benefits but you just sound PERFECT for this one. I hope it all works out for you! That would be one amazing thing to come out of all this.

    I am glad that Lyric is feeling a little bit better and he is recovering from that aweful infection. I think you have a great plan to do meds at night and then have the day to leave if weather is good. I will pray really hard that the weather is not to bad so you arent stuck in the hospital the whole time.

    I am also glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. You and Lyric have been SOOO strong. I can't wait for this to be over for you and it is right around the corner.

    Ashley C

  3. That is great, good luck on the job that would be wonderful. I am sorry you are stuck at the hospital but agree it might be the best, but does that mean you are allowed day trips out??

    It is near the end and then hopefully some normallity will return.

    lots of love and support to the three of you!!

  4. Go for that job girl! You're meant for it!
    Way to hold that olympic torch Lyric!!!

    peace & prayers for you guys!
