Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I spoke too soon..

4 a.m., Lyric is yelling my name. I slowly open my eyes.. half asleep and groggy I get up to him throwing up all over his bed and floor.. I look at him and he's flushed. I take his temperature and it's 40.3. Way too high. So I call the Oncologist on call and he says to take him to the Niagara Falls ER.. he says his fever is too high to spend the hour driving to Hamilton.

We get to the Falls ER, and as expected they are not prepared for a child with cancer at all. They know nothing about his hickman, I had to show them how to use it. They made me very nervous. After several hours, they managed to get his fever down a couple degrees.. then he started to have the shakes really bad. He couldn't stop for hours. His white cell count is at 0, he has hardly any platelets and hemoglobin.. they have now arranged for an ambulance to whizz him down to Mac. It is now around noon. He gets bundled up in the Ambulance and I jump in my car. I had to take the car because we needed our stuff and needed to get back home.

All I can say is that it is a very horrifying and upsetting feeling to watch the Ambulance speed down the highway.. lights on, siren on and your child is in it. I cried for a moment.. then centered myself again. He will be fine.

We get to Mac, and we`ve now been here for about 3 hours. They can`t get his fever down at all. It keeps creeping back to 40... scary stuff. There is either a bad infection somewhere or his lack of red blood cells and platelets have given him a fever again.. I`m leaning on the side of infection.

He has slept all day... tired and not well.

Avery`s birthday is Friday.. I am trying to get her up here so we can at least celebrate here. We can always have a party at a later time. Poor Ave...


  1. OMG Sarah...I can't imagine what you're both going through...lots of thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. I'm thinking of you both all the time. xo

  2. oh no, poor guy!! I hope he recovers quickly!! sending LOTS of healing vibes my dear!!! Deb

  3. Lighting a candle for you & Lyric tonight. Hope he recovers soon...he's such a fighter!

  4. I'm praying for Lyric's quick recovery, Sarah. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers!

  5. OH Sarah that is a tought thing to go through, he is strong er then most so I am sure he will pull through. My thoughts and love are with you. tara
