Monday, December 14, 2009

CT Results

We got the CT results and it is confirmed.. Lyric has an infection in his lungs. And more than likely it's fungal.

So they are not taking out his Hickman as of yet, and they have changed around his meds. Again.

The infection may be hard to get rid of, but with the help of Jane, I am hoping it will be sooner than later. She has been more than helpful as usual.

They will go ahead with his chemo though.. once his counts are back up. So the nice thing is that he will be done, and we can focus on just getting him better.

We will be here for an estimated 2 weeks.


  1. I hope that these meds (plus working with Jane) work and he is home quicker than you plan. My thoughts are with you every day. Lynn

  2. Oh Sarah. I don't know how you feel, but for me it's always a relief to know exactly what you're dealing with. I'm glad they found an answer. I'm also glad they're not going to pull his hickman and put in a pic, one less of any procedure is better for Lyric! I'm sure that now that they know what they are dealing with, and with Jane's help this will clear up soon! You and Jane have done a great job keeping Lyric healthy through this whole ordeal! So glad the last round of chemo will be behind you soon! I know you guys don't really know me, but every day I wake up and my first thought and prayer is for Lyric, he's the last thought and prayer when I go to sleep at night, and through the day I think of him often and ask God to surround him with healing light and love. You and Lyric are heros in my book!


  3. OHHH Sarah!!! That just sounds aweful!! I am thankful they have found the infection and that soon it will be all gone. I hope that it clears quickly and you can get out of there!!

    Lots of prayers and long distance hugs,
    Ashley C

  4. I ma so glad they found what is wrong I guess that is half the battle and with Jane helping you, you are so much better off!!

    We are here, tara

  5.'s hoping it gets better quicker than you're expecting!!!! Lots of thoughts and love to you both. xo

  6. Sarah and Lyric,
    Pretty soon you guys will be out of the hospital.. hang in there.
    Sarah, our boys are tuff, they can handle things that we would never imagined they would.
    Dylan, too had many infections after his kidney transplant, high fevers... I know how scary that is, but.. it does get better...
    You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Sarah,
    I have lately believed in the power of prayer.
    I especially prayed for you guys Monday night.I was happy to hear that Lyric's fever had broken and improved Tuesday.
