Monday, September 21, 2009

Checking in..

It's been a few days.. but not much has gone on really so no need to post. No news is good news!!

Today we went and had his counts and they look great! He had a slight fever yesterday, and they noticed one of his nodes on his neck is a bit swollen and Lyric says it hurts a bit. They said it could be nothing, or it could be related to his disease.. so they are keeping and eye on it.

The results from the echo cardiogram were in, and they said that it look as though there is a clot at the end of his tube.. they will be performing another test tomorrow to see how bad it is. She said it's common and not to worry about it. I guess it can be fixed!

I was reminded several times not to feed Lyric after midnight.. hehe.. he will be getting his marrow test tomorrow. That test will determine if he has responded to the chemo, and it will place him in a category of being low, intermediate or high risk. To this point he's been low risk. We should get the results back same day or next day. It's a nerve wracking test.. to see whether the fight will get tougher or not.. ugh. We will be checking into the ward again tomorrow to start his second round of chemo.

As for myself, apparently I don't have a kidney infection, and the bladder infection I have is under control.. so I am to go back to the Doc today at 3 to see what's going on.. I'm thinking maybe anemia? I haven't had much iron really.. and my own fault of course. At the hospital there isn't much of a choice. But, I have made some healthy food to bring and my good friend Robin who works at the health store is going to give me a great supplement!

Avery is holding up quite well, she is enjoying school and having fun dancing and singing. I wanted to get her into some classes but with everything going on there is not much time. Soon.

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