Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stupid Old House.

I was inches away from leaving.. had the bags already in the car. When the Doc had come for a visit to see us off, and asked if I had any questions I asked some concerns I had with my old house.. our basement has weeping tile and is considered "wet" and although it's not always wet, there is moisture and mold down there. It's inevitable with 80 year old homes.. but because I had asked the Docs had a pow-wow and decided he can't go home. Because he has AML, he is highly susceptible to infection. And with the furnace coming on now it's circulating chemicals and spores given off by the mold. Lyric could develop a serious fungal infection.. and then it would be downhill from there.

So I spoke with the Social Worker, she is also one of those wonderful beings who is there to help me. She's my advocate, my spokesperson.. so she said wait a minute.. you can't just tell her she can't go home. She is a single mom, with another child and can't afford to pay to live somewhere else.. so Cindy (Social Worker) decided to make some phone calls. She is going to get a mold specialist to speak with the Docs so they can understand this better, and she also called an HVAC person who said that we should put on a hepa or UV light filter.. and we also need to do air testing. So tomorrow I am going to arrange some stuff and see if it's possible to go home. I have to discuss my findings with the oncologists.. and they will decide.

Ugghhhh... is it possible for anything else to happen?? What the hell did I do in a past life?

Lyric is doing very well, he went through chemo just fine, very healthy and rarely got sick. He's eating well, sleeping and is happy. He's been excelling with his schooling and is back to reading novels.

Avery is great. If we can't go home, then we will be living at the Ronald McDonald House for the next 6-8 months and Avery will have to transfer to a school close to the Hospital. She's pretty good with adapting well to things, so with some love and guidance I am sure she will be fine. But something I don't want to do.

We are back at clinic on Friday for his blood counts, and his next round of chemo is Oct 20th. So let's hope and pray he stays well for the next few weeks so there is no delay. He is still Neutropenic and will be for quite some time so it limits us a bit.. but we will make do I hope!

I am feeling a bit better, Jane has me on some stuff that seems to be helping. Along with the massage and Reiki I had I am on the path to normalcy again.. what am I saying? My life is far from normal. hehe.

I don't quite understand how some people get dealt with so much bad karma and others flourish.. this other lady I met a little while ago was at the hospital with her daughter. Her son had died a couple years ago from a type of strange disorder. They treated him through oncology, had chemo among many other drugs. Then she had a daughter who had the same condition. It's familial obviously.. and so terrible to be struck twice. He daughter is 18 months and is on serious steroids, which makes her into ginormibaby.. she's huge. Lovely lady and sweet little girl.

Off to bed. I'm ready to relax!

1 comment:

  1. yikes, as if you dont have enough to deal with!! hope the testing shows its not too bad and the filter/UV will kill anything air borne so you can go home between the treatments!! ((hugs)) thinking of you! Deb
