Friday, September 11, 2009


Yesterday Lyric lost this little ol tooth.. it has been loose for quite some time. But with Lyric's Platelets being low I told him to leave it alone. But, I think he pushed it with his tongue and out it popped. Followed was about 20 minutes worth of bleeding. I panicked halfway through and paged the oncologist. But then it finally stopped and ahhhh... I called back and cancelled the page.

Afterwards Lyric, Avery and I were having a wonderful time. We were outside enjoying the warm sunshine with the neighborhood kids cleaning my car. It was a team effort... we all washed separate parts of the car. Of course there was a fight over the window washer... so I decided to take that job. Lyric had a great day. No complaints. Until about 7:30 and he stated he was feeling cold. So I sent him inside to get ready for bed. I came in a few minutes later and checked him temp... 38.8. Great.

So again I paged the Oncologist. She called right away and said I needed to bring him in. At this point he's boiling, but freezing... and complaining his head hurts. So it's now about 8:30. I call Lyric's Dad to come to my house to watch Avery. I frantically packed up.. and of course I get to the hospital and forget some important things.. you know how it is.

We are finally at the hospital and they have a private room ready for us in the Pediatric Unit. They come in perform all sorts of tests.. blood from his Hickman and a peripheral poke.. which of course scares the bejesus out of Lyric. They take urine samples and test all his reflexes and joints. They find a lump in his Lymph node behind his neck. Great.

It is now midnight and they still have poor Lyric awake.. but they are making sure they aren't missing anything, Finally the little guy gets to sleep. The CBC they did proved that Lyric's platelets were at 8. Holy Moly... they don't let it go below 20 usually, before giving a platelet transfusion. But fevers eat up platelets. A little while longer and Lyric would start having nose bleeds that wouldn't be able to stop and the slightest bump he would bleed internally. They gave him a platelet and a hemoglobin transfusion through the night. Lyric was up again around 3 shivering... nurse took his temp and he was actually cold. 35. The blood they transfused was apparently on the cooler side. So she grabbed one of those warmed flannel blankets and I crawled into bed with him and had to soothe and calm him down to get back to sleep.

Morning. We get woken up by a lady calling for Janet ?? They were in the room and discharged the day before. Then about 10 more people call in a span of an hour. Ugh... I just want to SLEEP!

The Doc comes in for a visit and says all the testing came back with great results.. nothing serious to worry about. They did think that maybe Meningitis because of the headache and his eyes were sensitive to light. It turns out it's just a virus.. and he's doing very well considering he has no immune system. No coughing.. runny nose... and I think it may be my fault. I had lowered his dose of Astragalus back to twice a day cause days have passed since his sniffles he had earlier in the week. I should have kept it up. Learning experience there!

The Doc also explains there is no concern for the Lymph node... that it's just the bodies reaction to the virus. But he'll keep an eye on it. He also mentions they got back the results from the bone marrow testing they did on Paul, Avery and I to find a match for Lyric for a possible transplant in the future. Avery is a PERFECT match. How amazing is that. Apparently it's rare. WOW, at least there is some good news! But that's not it! There is more! He continues to tell us the genetic testing he did for the mutations...(this can determine is his body will fight chemo or not.. like that little girl I mentioned in earlier posts... your body can start to reject the chemo) well... are you ready.... HE has NO genetic markers. Which makes him LOW RISK ... he's got a more substantial chance at fighting this!

I am just so happy. He sat there and smiled. Didn't really understand what the Doc was saying but says to me it's good news right mom? Yes by boy... good news.

So Lyric's fever disappeared around 1 pm which is wonderful. We should be going home Monday if all goes well and he doesn't go febrile again. They kept saying they were so surprised at how healthy Lyric has been and they said that AML kids usually are never home for a full week at a time. It's been over a week and he's GREAT! A little bump in the road but that's it. They are also amazed at how healthy he is through this. I am pretty sure it's because of my lovely Jane and the healing food he is eating... Jane says she is sure it's the remedies she has him on.

Well I have finished my delicious decaf Latte here at Williams Coffee Pub across the street... I can't get Wifi at the hospital. But this is a nice break when Lyric goes to sleep and I can catch up on the world beyond this.


  1. I'm so glad to hear there is good news!!! I hope he's feeling better and you're home again soon. xoxox

  2. I was crying over everythign this pour little boy has to go through it is so not fair. But I was soo happy to read the good news, I knew he had good chances. You have always done well by him with natural things and your dedication as a mom. Jane seems wonderful!!

  3. Sarah, it's Shannon here. I've been checking up on your posts almost daily, and I want to thank you for sharing this with us all. I have to tell you, that this whole experience, through your words, and pictures... has me in tears everytime. But hearing the good news of how strong Lyric is, and your enthusiasm and humour, makes me smile!! You are one amazing woman, and Lyric is so blessed to have such a strong & loving momma in his world! I pray for Lyric daily, I really do!! and am always sending healing vibes his way! Sarah, he is healing. Please send him my love! And keep up on the natural medicine, positive thoughts, and intense amounts of LOVE!

  4. This is wonderful news. I am so happy for you & your family.
    You will get through all the "bumps in the road".
    Lyric is so lucky to have such a strong and brave and attentive mamma. Kudos to you...I honestly don't know how you stay so strong.

    (((healing vibes)))

  5. Thank you guys so much for all your love and support. I could not be so strong without all of you. I created this blog for a few reasons.. to update everyone, to teach, and to vent. I am glad you all take time to read it everyday. It keeps me busy and I love to write. Keep up your healing vibes.. they are helping and healing!
