Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bone Marrow Results

Lyric woke up this morning quite nauseous and groggy.. he ended up in a throw up session and then proceeded to eat his breakfast pita with peanut butter and 2 organic pop tarts.. hehe. Throughout the day he has felt some nausea, but they are pretty good at giving him his odanzitron and gravol.. seems to keep it manageable.

He got in another hour of school, and is actually ahead of his class! The teacher here spoke to Lyric's teacher at the school. He wasn't surprised Lyric was doing so well.

We got the news back from the marrow test.. and the results were faaaannntastic! They found NO Leukemic cells in the marrow. This is an absolute wonderful sign.. with the next 3 rounds of chemo under his belt I am sure it won't be returning! I hope and pray so anyways!

We have made friends with the little boy and his parents a couple doors down. He is 5, and simply adorable. He's been living in and out of hospital for almost the last 3 years and is getting ready for marrow transplant Oct 4th at Sick Kids. I truly hope he comes through. He is such an amazing spirit. I am going to take some photos of him tomorrow..

Today was a beautiful day outside, I managed to get to the grocery store and purchase some healthy food... as I just finished the rest of a bag of Lightly Salted Kettle Brand Chips.. hehe.

Tomorrow I actually may take several photos, if I'm allowed I may do some documentary style photos and post them.


  1. This is wonderful news and I am so happy for you guys!!!

    *Kettle chips RULE!

  2. I'm so glad to read that the bone marrow results were excellent, that's great news!

  3. Yaay!! I am happy for you about the bone marrow test! I have been thinking about you and Lyric often and you are constantly in our prayers!!Take care, I'll call soon. Nancy

  4. Hey Sarah, It's Lynn for CBB. Irina just called and told me about the journey your family is going through, my heart goes out to you. Your positive attitude is inspiring and I'm sure everyone in your home benefits from it. Remember to take care of yourself also.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    PS Any potato chips are awesome

  5. so happy for the good test results!! ((hugs))

  6. I am sooo glad you got amazing results!! I am sure that Lyric will be better very soon... Ashley C
